Tuesday, September 18, 2018

William C. Pyron, 1757-1850, Soldier In the Continental Line, Bernard Pyron

William C. Pyron, 1757-1850, Soldier In the Continental Line
Bernard Pyron

​William C. Pyron Grave Marker
 The photo of Williazm Calvin Pyron's Gravestone is from:  https://images.findagrave.com/photos250/photos/2008/33/23190644_120206011070.jpg

See this link for a  summary of William C. Pyron's service in the Revolutionary War:  http://www.wonderwong.com/Hagler_Bowen/RevolutionaryWarAncestors.html

"Born 1756 in Virginia (either Henrico or Hanover County). Entered service from Orange County, NC. Moved to Mecklenburg County, NC in 1792. Died June 27, 1850 Union County, NC.   Buried at Pyron Cemetery, located about 8 miles north of Monroe near Benton's Cross Roads Baptist church, Union County, NC. Turn west at crossroads go about 1/2 mi turn left. Family cemetery located on Leander Benton farm. William Pyron Revolutionary Soldier, Government Marker. Source: Union County Cemeteries by Clara Laney"


"William C. Pyron was born to James Pyron and Mary Bell in Hanover, Virginia, in 1756. His father died when he was one year old."


James Pyron:

Birthdate:circa April 27, 1701 
Birthplace:James City, Virginia, United States
Death:1757 (51-59)

Edgecombe County, North Carolina, United States

Son of James Pyrant and Mary Pyrant
Husband of Mary Pyron (Bell)
Father of William C. Pyron

 The William C. Pyron line from his son William Pyron the Second, listed here as 1770 to 1844:

See:  http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/o/s/Richard-A-Coscia/GENE2-0011.html

" Children of William Pyron and Mary Powell are:
  Dr. William Pyron, born February 10, 1770 in Mecklenberg
County, North Carolina; died 1844 in Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina; married Nancy Crowell March 5, 1812 in Rowan County, North

Children of William C.
Pyron born, 1770 and  Nancy Crowell:


" Andrew Jackson "Jack" Pyron, born, 1814"


" Andrew Jackson Pyron,  mentioned in the record of Annie Mcgonagill. Wife, Sarah Simmons."


Andrew J. Pyron in the 1850 Marshall county, Mississippi census


Puckett, Jane M. 235
Pulliam, M_____ 223
Pyron, Andrew J. 251B
Pyron, Josiah 257B

My sister Mary Pyron Bush says in her write-up on the Pyrons that in the 1850 census Andrew Jackson Pyron is age 35.

 See: https://www.geni.com/people/Aurelius-Pyron/6000000019764011664

" Aurelius Milton Pyron

Born, November 17, 1846 (86)

Died, 1932 (85)

Son of Andrew Jackson Pyron and Sarah Pyron Husband of Virginia Pyron
Father of Blake Bernard Pyron
Brother of Eugenia Pyron ; Annie Pyron and Angeline Pyron."


Blake Bernard Pyron,  1889-1964
Aureluis Milton PYRON

Blake Bernard Pyron married Mabel May Moote on May 20, 1915 in Bexar County, Texas.

Harold Pyron 1916-1916
George Edward Pyron 1918-1998
Mary Elizabeth Pyron 1920-2012 mar Jerry W. Bush
Louise M. Pyron 1923- mar Benjamin Poppe
Bernard Pyron 1931-

Below:   : List of Revolutionary War Soldiers of Monroe county, N.C.

Image may contain: outdoor


"John Pyron,born ca. 1740, probably in James City (Henrico Co.), VA, married Mary Cates (probably in Orange Co, NC), died aft. 1790..........John Pyron bought land in Orange Co., NC from his father-in-law, John Cates. His son–also named John–and the younger John’s cousin William moved to Mecklenburg Co., NC, apparently in the 1780s."

Bernard Pyron
 John Pyron, born 1762, , listed above as a Revolutionary War soldier, was apparently a first cousin of William C. Pyron. So far I have not found details on his regiment, his pension application, if any, or anything else on his time in the war. The Pyrons I have encountered are all from either the John Pyron or William Pyron lines.
William C. Pyron and some of his grown children lived in the Mint Hill area in eastern Mecklenburg county, N.C.. I have found three generation of them in the census of Mecklenburg county. My great-grandfather left Mecklenburg county before my grandfather was born in Mississippi in 1846. Monroe county, where William C. Pyron is buried, is the next county to the southeast of Mint Hill...

I don't now about other Pyron lines, but my older sister Mary Pyron Bush on http://listsearches.rootsweb.com/.../1998-05/0896650935 says "Records of Levona Carney of San Jose, CA from the Vestry Book of St. Paul's
Parrish, Hanover Co, Virginia, 1706 to 1786 found in Virginia State Library
the following are listed.
p 141. ordered that Thos. Saterwhite have Davis Lyles tithes--Nathaniel
Baughons, Thos. Mosely, William Boughns, William Hughes, James Piron, Jr. John
Piron, John Ellis, Michael Saterwhite, Charles Piron and James Piron, Sr.
tithables to assist him in clearing the road whereof he is surveyor


William first entered the service in Caswell Count, NC in the Spring of 1778, and was under the command of Captain Robert Moore and Colonel Archibald Lytle . During this initial enlistment, they marched into the State of Virginia and returned
back home after two or three weeks, he was then furloughed for a short period of time.
Later in the year of 1778, after his furlough had expired, Private Pyron was marched into the State of South Carolina, where they joined the Main Army under General Benjamin Lincoln at Purrysburg . This period of service as a Continental Soldier lasted approximately 9 months. He was engaged in the "Battle of Stono Ferry ", where he was wounded and hospitalized until the end of his enlistment. . After his service in SC, Private Pyron aided the Patriot cause as a wagon maker for the US Army at the shop of John Woods near Hillsboro, South Carolina. . His daughter Mary Pyron , who is our 4th great-grandmother, was born in Meckinburg in 1794. She was one of 12 of William and Mary Jane's children.
Private William Pyron passed away on 27 January 1850 in Mecklenburg County NC. He was 94 years old. His name appears on the bronze plaque attached to the DAR monument in front of the old Union county courthouse in Monroe, NC. He is buried at Bentons Cross Roads Baptist Church Cemetery in Union County, North Carolina."

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