Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Little Brothers War, 1950-1953

The Little Brothers War, 1950-1953
Bernard Pyron

When Douglas MacArthur sent 75,000 U. S. troops in a flanking maneuver against North Korean troops in the landing at Inchon in September of 1950 there were many "Little Bothers" - the Korean War generation - in that landing force.

So, the Little Brothers also stormed an enemy beach off of ships at sea like the Great Generation.
I came across your book, In the Shadow of the Greatest Generation, in looking for stuff on the Korean War Generation.  I am interested in that age group, which includes those who served in Korea from 1950 to 1953. 

One thing I was looking for was how many Korean War veterans who served in Korea during the war are still alive.  The statistics you get usually include those who served at that time but not in Korea.
As it turned out in time the guys in the 51st Fighter-Interceptor  Wing at Suwon and the 4th Fighter-Interceptor Wing at Kimpo in South Korea from late 1951 to the fall of 1952 were not in much danger of being killed or injured by enemy bombing at that time.

The Communists were afraid to bomb us at Suwon and Kimpo because they knew we had a large number of B-29s on Okinawa which could wipe out their airfields just north of the Yalu. 
But we did not know that for sure in 1951-52.
A few months ago I was trying to bring back some memories of two friends I had in 1952 at Suwon Air Field, who I had gone with to Japan on R and R.

All three of us flew to Itazuke AFB in 1952 and then to Fukuoka on R and R, and once Kenneth Hogan and I went to Kokura, on Kyusku in Japan by way of Itazuke AFB.  I remember Hogan's name but not the name of the other man, who I know for sure was in Air Force Intelligence, and I suspect Hogan was too.

​The Friend From Intelligence Next Door whose name I forgot.

​Sign On the 51st Group Combat Operations Office.  The 51st Intelligence unit was in the same building.
​Me in 1952 by a river in Kokura, Japan - taken by Hiroko Yamada, whose friend was a friend of Kenneth Hogan.  I am wearing an Army uniform which we were allowed in the Air Force to wear then.

The Christian Hero Story Formula Taught Christian Morality to Older Generations 

I am interested in the Korean War age group generation because we were the last generation before the Baby Boomers who had traits that belonged to an older America.  I posted a thread on a Christian forum recently - "The Christian Hero Story Taught Christian Morality To Earlier Generations."  I said that the Korean War Age Group or Generation was the last to be taught some morals by the Christian hero story going back to the King Arthur stories which were later   translated into the hero as a common man, the American Cowboy hero of fiction and reality who is last seen in some films and TV shows in the fifties.  The younger age groups on this forum did not know what I was talking about. I was born in 1931.

We of the Korean War Generation, born from about 1926 to 1933, were  not the children of the World War II Great Generation, but were their younger brothers.  We are like them in many ways and in fact we are the parents of the younger Baby Boomer generation.

I did not take more than two American history courses in undergrad college.  But in 1979 when I wanted to play paddleball in the University of Texas gym on campus they let me take a reading course under Professor of History Tuffly Ellis, who was a follower of Walter Prescott Webb, the more famous native Texan of the University of Texas History Department.  Remember Webb wrote The Great Planes in 1931.

I met personally with professor Ellis once a week and we talked about all kinds of Texas things.  He knew I had a Ph.D. from Wisconsin in experimental psychology.

Later about 12 years ago I became interested in local Texas history - of my home town in SW Bexar county, which is occupied to a large extent by San Antonio.  I have a report on this called "The Road To Home."

Friday, December 22, 2017

Social Engineers Who Helped Change the Culture Following the Frankfurt School

Bernard Pyron

Theodore Wiesengrund Adorno's, name is on the 1950 book. The Authoritarian Personality - which used the F Scale and the E Scale.  Adorno's father was Oscar Alexander Wiesengrund, a Jew.   His mother was Maria Calvelli-Adorno della Piana, a Catholic from Corsica and a singer. 

​Theodore W. Adorno

The second Social Engineer who was an original member of the Frankfurt School is  Herbert Marcuse.  Adorno was associated with Berkeley while  Marcuse was at Brandeis, where Maslow was stationed. A.H. Maslow was another Social Engineer along with Carl Rogers.  Marcuse  wrote Eros and Civilization and was one of the fathers of the sex lib movement of  the Counterculture. 

​Herbert Marcuse

Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist who wrote, with some others, two books on Educational Goal taxonomies, is the next social engineer.. All public school teachers must be certified by their knowledge of the doctrines contained in Bloom's Educational Goal Taxonomies.DeanGotcher quotes Bloom as saying "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and
fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et
al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain)

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

Bloom says "Members of the taxonomy group spent considerable time in
attempting to find a psychological theory which would provide a sound
basis for ordering the categories of the taxonomy. …consistent with
relevant and accepted psychological principles and theories.”
(Benjamin Bloom, et al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1,
Cognitive Domain)

And  Gotcher found a footnote in Bloom's Affective Domain book, on
page 166, where Bloom acknowledges the influence of Theodore W. Adorno
and Eric Fromm on the psychological theory, philosophy or ideology
contained in his two volumes, Educational Goal taxonomies.  Book II
Affective Domain  p. 166.

“1. Cf. Erich Fromm, 1941; T. W. Adorno et al., 1950”  Benjamin Bloom,
Book II  Affective Domain  p. 166.  This is Bloom's footnote
acknowledging the influence on his thinking from Erich Fromm and
Theodore W. Adorno.  Adorno was an original Frankfurter Marxist who
posed as a personality and social psychologist in writing his 1950
book, The Authoritarian Personality, in which he claimed that the
authoritarian personality and fascism are caused by the family and
Christianity.  Erich Fromm was a Transformational Marxist psychologist
and close associate of the Frankfurters.

Bloom writes that "The affective domain is, in retrospect, a virtual
‘Pandora’s Box.  It is in this ‘box’ that the most influential
controls are to be found. The affective domain contains the forces
that determine the nature of an individual’s life and ultimately the
life of an entire people”
Bloom's second book on Educational Goal  Taxonomies focused upon the affective domain.
Benjamin S. Bloom was an important Transformational Marxist change
agent who had a great influence on the American educational system
after the fifties and sixties because he wrote the books by which all
teachers in the U.S.. are certified.

​Benjamin Bloom
Carl R, Rogers was an upper middle class guy from Oak Park of Chicago who had intended to become a Christian  minister and attended Union Theological Seminary for a while.
How did a upper middle class guy from Oak Park, who wanted to become a Christian minister, become a Social Engineer for Transformational Marxism?   That is something that Dean Gotcher discovered, studied and talks about, but may not explain how it happened.

 I think the Trail of how Rogers became a Social Engineer, that Gotcher got on became "hot," after Rogers left Wisconsin, and became a facilitator and leader in the Encounter Group Movement of the sixties and seventies. Ol Gotcher was like a hound who Coyote Hunters used to turn loose to sniff out and locate the trail and eventually jump the coyote. Maybe Gotcher on the trail of Rogers was never joined by the large pack of "hounds" and Gotcher remained sort of a lone hound who discovered Rogers trail into collectivism. That is, as far as I know, no researcher has gone into details on how and why Carl Rogers got into collectivism in the Encounter Group Movement.
I knew Carl Rogers and was once his Research Assistant and later after I finished graduate school. at Wisconsin I worked on his Schizophrenic Project for a few months.  I also took a seminar under Rogers and he was on my Ph.D. Committee.  That seminar was held in the basement of his house on Squaw Bay on Lake Monona in Madison.  It was an informal class.  I remember talking to Rogers once about Frank Lloyd Wright, who had his office in Oak Park, Illinois where Carl Rogers was from.  Rogers told me he knew Frank Lloyd Wright's sons.  Rogers had prepared to become a Christian minister - before he went off to New York City to study at the Union Theological  Seminary, New York City. After two years he left the seminary and got his Masters (1928) and Ph.D. (1931) degrees from Columbia University’s Teachers College in psychology.

​Carl R. Rogers
Abraham H. Maslow was another well known American psychologist who became a social engineer.  Maslow got his Ph.D. at Wisconsin under Harry Harlow, the monkey researcher, and under Harlow Maslow learned the experimental psychology and behaviorist. view. 
Yet Maslow became a social engineer whose work to some extent helped to abolish the older culture supporting Christianity and the family.  Betty Friedan in The Feminine Mystique, was influenced by Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualisation. In his earlier years Maslow did research on female dominance and sexuality.
As William Coulson, the Encounter Group Faciilitor under  Carl Rogers in California said, Maslow  hung out with the Frankfurters - that is,  Maslow was a friend of Herbert Marcuse at Brandeis University and had met Erich Fromm in 1936.  Maslow studied Fromm's Frankfurt School ideology. and wrote an article, "The Authoritarian Character Structure", published in 1944, that followed the ideological line of  Frankfurt School "Critical Theory."

​Abraham H. Maslow
The Encounter Group Movement drew ideas from the experimental research in the social psychology of the Group Dynamics Movement led by Kurt Lewin, which Rogers knew about. In fact. my major professor Jack C. Gilchrist, did research in the fifties at Wisconsin on Group Dynamics and founded the Group Behavior Lab, where I was a grad student.

The Group Dynamics movement started in this country by
Kurt Lewin, set the stage for the use of the Marxist and atheistic version of the Hegelian dialectic to be developed into and attitude change procedure.

Kurt Lewin created the Research Center for Group Dynamics at the Institute of Technology in Massachusetts (MIT) in 1944.

"The Dialectical Process:

The intentional process of radical social change demands continual tension or crisis. These may be spontaneous or manufactured. This book helped lay the foundation for the psycho-social strategies that have transformed education and culture around the world. Based on the research begun at Tavistock (England), continued at the Frankfurt Institute (Germany) then moved to MIT, Columbia University, Stanford and various tax-funded "Educational Laboratories" after World War II, it established the strategies for brainwashing that now permeate our schools, media and organizations. See Brainwashing in America."

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change
Under Kurt Lewin, the Group Dynamics social psychologists did experimental research on small group behavior.  J.C. Gilchrist at Wisconsin named his social-personality psychology lab the "Group Behavior Lab," where I did experiments though not on small group behavior.
The Group Dynamics movement, as well as the later Encounter Group Movement helped to bring interest to a new American Collectivism in the study of group behavior and ways of creating cohesive groups to change individuals into collectivists.

​Kurt Lewin

Remember that Dean Gotcher  found a footnote in Bloom's Affective Domain book, on
page 166, where Bloom acknowledges the influence of Theodore W. Adorno and Eric Fromm on the psychological theory, philosophy or ideology contained in his two volumes, Educational Goal taxonomies.  Book II Affective Domain  p. 166.

“1. Cf. Erich Fromm, 1941; T. W. Adorno et al., 1950”  Benjamin Bloom,
Book II  Affective Domain  p. 166.  This is Bloom's footnote
acknowledging the influence on his thinking from Erich Fromm and
Theodore W. Adorno.  Erich Fromm was a Transformational Marxist psychologist
and close associate of the Frankfurters, who helped to promote the Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School as a well known psychologist in the U.S.

​Eric Fromm

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

William C. Pyron, 1757-1850, Soldier In the Continental Line

William C. Pyron, 1757-1850, Soldier In the Continental Line
Bernard Pyron

​William C. Pyron Grave Marker

"Born 1756 in Virginia (either Henrico or Hanover County). Entered service from Orange County, NC. Moved to Mecklenburg County, NC in 1792. Died June 27, 1850 Union County, NC.  Buried at Pyron Cemetery, located about 8 miles north of Monroe near Benton's Cross Roads Baptist church, Union County, NC. Turn west at crossroads go about 1/2 mi turn left. Family cemetery located on Leander Benton farm. William Pyron Revolutionary Soldier, Government Marker. Source: Union County Cemeteries by Clara Laney"…/RevolutionaryWarAncestors.html

"William C. Pyron was born to James Pyron and Mary Bell in Hanover, Virginia, in 1756. His father died when he was one year old."

James Pyron:

Birthplace: James City, Virginia, United States
Death: 1757 (51-59)

Edgecombe County, North Carolina, United States

Son of James Pyrant and Mary Pyrant
Husband of Mary Pyron (Bell)
Father of William C. Pyron

 The William C. Pyron line from his son William Pyron the Second, listed here as 1770 to 1844:


"Children of William Pyron and Mary Powell are:
  Dr. William Pyron, born February 10, 1770 in Mecklenberg
County, North Carolina; died 1844 in Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina; married Nancy Crowell March 5, 1812 in Rowan County, North

Children of William C.
Pyron born, 1770 and  Nancy Crowell:


"Andrew Jackson "Jack" Pyron, born, 1814"

"Andrew Jackson Pyron,  mentioned in the record of Annie Mcgonagill. Wife, Sarah Simmons."

Andrew J. Pyron in the 1850 Marshall county, Mississippi census

Puckett, Jane M. 235
Pulliam, M_____ 223
Pyron, Andrew J. 251B
Pyron, Josiah 257B

My sister Mary Pyron Bush says in her write-up on the Pyrons that in the 1850 census Andrew Jackson Pyron is age 35.


"Aurelius Milton Pyron


Died, 1932 (85)

Son of Andrew Jackson Pyron and Sarah Pyron Husband of Virginia Pyron
Father of Blake Bernard Pyron
Brother of Eugenia Pyron; Annie Pyron and Angeline Pyron."

Blake Bernard Pyron,  1889-1964
Aureluis Milton PYRON

Blake Bernard Pyron married Mabel May Moote on May 20, 1915 in Bexar County, Texas.

Harold Pyron 1916-1916
George Edward Pyron 1918-1998
Mary Elizabeth Pyron 1920-2012 mar Jerry W. Bush
Louise M. Pyron 1923- mar Benjamin Poppe
Bernard Pyron 1931-

Below:   : List of Revolutionary War Soldiers of Monroe county, N.C.

"John Pyron,born ca. 1740, probably in James City (Henrico Co.), VA, married Mary Cates (probably in Orange Co, NC), died aft. 1790..........John Pyron bought land in Orange Co., NC from his father-in-law, John Cates. His son–also named John–and the younger John’s cousin William moved to Mecklenburg Co., NC, apparently in the 1780s."

Bernard Pyron
 John Pyron, born 1762, , listed above as a Revolutionary War soldier, was apparently a first cousin of William C. Pyron. So far I have not found details on his regiment, his pension application, if any, or anything else on his time in the war. The Pyrons I have encountered are all from either the John Pyron or William Pyron lines.
William C. Pyron and some of his grown children lived in the Mint Hill area in eastern Mecklenburg county, N.C.. I have found three generation of them in the census of Mecklenburg county. My great-grandfather left Mecklenburg county before my grandfather was born in Mississippi in 1846. Monroe county, where William C. Pyron is buried, is the next county to the southeast of Mint Hill...

I don't now about other Pyron lines, but my older sister Mary Pyron Bush on says "Records of Levona Carney of San Jose, CA from the Vestry Book of St. Paul's
Parrish, Hanover Co, Virginia, 1706 to 1786 found in Virginia State Library
the following are listed.
p 141. ordered that Thos. Saterwhite have Davis Lyles tithes--Nathaniel
Baughons, Thos. Mosely, William Boughns, William Hughes, James Piron, Jr. John
Piron, John Ellis, Michael Saterwhite, Charles Piron and James Piron, Sr.
tithables to assist him in clearing the road whereof he is surveyor


Bernard Pyron


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Blowing of the Wolf Horn, October 25, 2015 - Crossings, Vol 3, No 10 - Somerset Historical Society .....

Bernard Pyron


Click on the little diamond point to start the sound.
October 25, 2016, Call To Louise Poppe,and Blowing of the Wolf Horn. The Wolf Horn was made from the horn of a Texas Longhorn,and used in the...

Bernard Pyron

Monday, October 23, 2017

The Frank Lloyd Wright Unitarian Meeting House, 1949-1951, of 900 University Bay Dr., Shorewood Hills, Wis. and the University of Wisconsin Not Far To the East of It.

The Frank Lloyd Wright Unitarian Meeting House,  1949-1951, of  900 University Bay Dr., Shorewood Hills, Wis. and the University of Wisconsin Not Far To the East of It.

Mundane Madison, where the Leftists are now created out of the Millennials, still has, not for west of the Outfit on Lake Mendota where that creation is performed, a building out of the past which rises to the level of art. Rose Slivka wrote in 1961 that "As a fusion between the two dimensional and the three dimensional, American pottery is realizing itself as a distinct art form. It is like a barometer of our esthetic situation." Cecile Whiting in Common Ground: Ceramics In Southern California, 1945- 1975,, 2012, said that "The art critic Bernard Pyron tartly noted three years after Slivika's article that even the fine art world was aware of the ferment in ceramics." Whiting was writing about my 1964 article, The Tao and Dada of Recent American Ceramic Art, in Artforum,,,,,,,,,,But before 1961 and 1964 Frank Lloyd Wright had shown in some of his best buildings a greater rise of a type of three dimensional form - architecture - to the status of art.

I have a few 35mm color slides I took of The Wright Unitarian Meeting House in Madison during the fifties, but none have been made into prints or scanned to become digital images. Here is one photo of me in about 1958 near the west wing of the building.

An Article In Milwaukee Kaleidoscope On the I Ching - Book of Changes - October 6, 1967

An Article In Milwaukee Kaleidoscope On the I Ching - Book of Changes - October 6, 1967
Movement(s) in Dialogue: Kaleidoscope and the Discourse ... - UReCA
... “A Day in the March…,” Kaleidoscope, October 6, 1967, p. 3; Kois, “Leads & Changes,” ibid., p. 5;. Bernard Pyron, “The I Ching: An Introduction,” ibid., p. 10.

This is strange to see. Maybe the article on the I Ching I wrote which a friend sent to a Milwaukee Counterculture magazine - Kaleidoscope - in the sixties was published October 6, 1967. I haven't thought of that article in many years, maybe close to 20.

The link is from something, maybe a book, on the underground press, in the sixties. Kaleidoscope was a Leftist magazine from the relatively small Milwaukee Counterculture community in the sixties and it was sold in Madison also.

Yet if issues of Kaleidoscope were available to look at, that would show how different the now totally Marxist Left is now from the Left then. I Ching is a fairly sophisticated topic, and some psychologists then were interested in it. I remember being at a meeting of the American Psychological Association in Chicago in the sixties where several psychologists had copies of the I Ching  there with them.My article on the I Ching might be mentioned in the writing linked but I did not find it in a brief look.
I did not submit the I Ching article but a friend did. I did submit articles to a little literary magazine in Madison, called Quixote Magazine, and three or four of my short stories were published in Quixote in the sixties. One was called The Night of the Great Salt, about firing salt glazing pottery kilns at night in a Wisconsin college town - Whitewater. But in part the salt firings were a kind of structure for commentary on the big university and its faults, that it opens the mind and then slams it shut and is like a wrecking machine. I was publishing in art journals and in psychology journals at this same time.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Gospel of Christ Is Able To Lead To the Regeneration of Individuals - Which Was Identified As A Major Hinder To Marxist Collectivism By The Early Frankfurt School Marxist Georg Lukács

 The Gospel of Christ Is Able To Lead To the Regeneration of Individuals - Which Was Identified As A Major Hinder To Marxist Collectivism By The Early Frankfurt School Marxist Georg Lukács - Bernard Pyron

To dispensationalists Matthew 19: 28 must mean that God is to restore Old Covenant Israel as a literal and physical kingdom in a literal promised land. In Acts 1: 6 the disciples asked Christ, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel.?"

In Matthew 19: 28 what is the regeneration and who is to be regenerated?

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12: 2. Philippians 2: 5,

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" Philippians 2: 5

":Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:
27. To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:" Colossians 1: 26-27

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." II Corinthians 5: 17

"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature." Galatians 6: 15

Dispensationalism focuses more on the Regeneration as a restoration of the Old Covenant Jewish Kingdom than upon the spiritual transformation in Christ Jesus of individuals............................But the spiritual power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that it is able to transform individuals - according to John 3: 1-5. Romans 12: 2, Philippians 2: 5, Colossians 1: 25-27, II Corinthians 5: 17, and Galatians 6: 15.

But the Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School comes out of an ideology which identifies exactly this emphasis upon the individual in evangelical Christianity, as something that must be abolished.

 .Marxist Georg Lukács was one of the founders of the Frankfurt School which began during the Weimar Republic of 1918 to 1933, before the Nazis came to power in Germany. Here is a quote that is more specific about the ideas of Transformational Marxist Georg Lukács. See: "What differentiated the West from Russia, Lukacs identified, was a Judeo-Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the uniqueness and sacredness of the individual which Lukacs abjured. At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual, through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from Lukacs' standpoint: this reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis. The problem was, that as long as the individual had the belief—or even the hope of the belief—that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary prerequisite for socialist revolution."

"The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" (Aufhebung der Kultur in Lukacs' German); "................Political Correctness is the ideology used by the contemporary Leftist movement to Abolish that Christian based individualism and its support in the wider culture, and replace it by a Marxist Collectivism. Anything that diminishes the spiritual strength of the Gospel of Christ can work for the rise of that Collectivist society and culture - and totalitarian world government."

THE NEW DARK AGE The Frankfurt School and…

Thursday, October 19, 2017

My Frank Lloyd Wright Ward Willits Chairs At the 1878 Bunn House of 104 Langdon Street In 1977

My Frank Lloyd Wright Ward Willits Chairs At the 1878 Bunn House of 104 Langdon Street In 1977
 Bernard Pyron

Me In 1976-1977 In My Basement Apartment in the Bunn House, at 104 Langdon Street in Madison, near Lake Mendota - Four of my Frank Lloyd Wright Ward Willitts house high back chairs are in this photo. See:…/c3a297a5-66e0-40c4-8e92-95f688e…........"Department of the Interior, National Park Service National Register of Historic Places, Nomination Form: Langdon Street Historic District: Along with the high concentration of period revival styles in the district, there are also a significant number of nineteenth century architectural styles. although they have almost all had some alterations or additions since their date of construction. Also, this district has a number of post-1900 architectural styles within its boundaries, including examples of the prairie and bungalow styles."
Remember that Frank Lloyd Wright began designing his larger upper middle class Prairie houses with the Thomas house,(1901,210 Forest Ave., Oak Park, Illinois) and Willits House (1901, 1445 Sheridan Rd, Highland Park, IL).
When Frank Lloyd Wright left his practice in his studio in Oak Park, Illinois, and left his family in 1909, to go to Europe with Mrs Mamah Borthwick Cheney, this marked the beginning of the end of Wright's Prairie Style period.
William Storrer says that the "... Prairie School had died out by the early 1920s. In the Prairie era, Wright had created an American - some would say only a Midwestern - architecture. He had not, however, created a Democratic architecture (1)." Wright's democratic, more affordable and compact houses from 1936 to 1959 were called "Usonians." ..........................The Prairie homes of about 1901 to 1913 are larger than the Usonians, since they were designed for the Upper Middle Class. And because there was a lingering caste system at that time in America, in part because these mansions contained quarters for live-in servants they were larger than they might have been. In addition, many of the prairie homes had an extra entry for servants and delivery men, while the family and guests entered at another door.
Wright's Wisconsin Populism and Progressivism led him to finally turn from his Prairie houses for the Upper Middle Class to finding ways to create affordable houses for the Middle and Lower Middle Classes which also reached toward the level of art.
John Dos Passos .said that Frank Lloyd Wright, the son of a preacher, preached in stone.
And Frank Lloyd Wright translated the American Spirit into art as architecture more than anyone had done before or after him. Some of what Wright defined as the American Spirit came out of his experience as a boy growing up on his mother's family land in his ancestral valley near the Wisconsin River, east of Spring Green, Wisconsin.
Wright's Unitarianism and , Taoism, are not necesssarily populist, but Wright got some of his populism from his friend Robert La Follette, and behind Wisconsin Progressivism was the Midwest, South, and Texas Populist movement. After he stopped designing Prairie houses, and got back from Europe, Wright turned his attention to designing homes for the lower middle class. His first designs were for Arthur l. Richards, using the American System Built home process. Four duplex apartment units and two bungalows were built in Milwaukee in 1915-1916. Lumber was cut at a factory and shipped to the sites to be assembled, which reduced the cost of the dwellings. Later, during the fifties,Madison builder Marshall Erdman
constructed two versions of Wright's Pre-Fab Plan Number One in Madison. The first built was the Eugene Van Tamelen house (1956) on the south edge of Madison's Crestwood, which was largely surrounded by woods in 1956. This is the only Wright house I was in during its construction. Five houses were built using the Pre-Fab Design Number one. A second pre-fab in Madison, on the South Belt Line, the Arnold Jackson house, is based on the Number One pre-Fab Plan but uses stone rather than the masonite of the Van Tamelen house(1956). Wright's goal was to create houses that the common people could afford, and yet would also rise to the level of art. He did not fail in this goal, either in his pre-fabs of the middle fifties, nor in his Usonian square and diamond module houses of the thirties, forties and fifties, which did not use the pre-fab method of construction to any great extent.

to me

Sunday, October 15, 2017

My Frank Lloyd Wright Ward Willits Chairs At the Bunn House of 104 Langdon St. Madison, Wis. Sunday, October 15th 2017

My Frank Lloyd Wright Ward Willits Chairs At the Bunn House of 104 Langdon St. Madison, Wis.  Sunday, October 15th 2017


​Figure 1, Me With Two Ward Willitts High Back Chairs and the Willitts Hich Back With Arm Rests In My Basement Apartment In the Bunn House of 104 Langdon Street, Madison, Wisconsin, in 1977.
"Department of the Interior, National Park Service National Register of Historic Places, Nomination Form: Langdon Street Historic District: Along with the high concentration of period revival styles in the district, there are also a significant number of nineteenth century architectural styles. although they have almost all had some alterations or additions since their date of construction. Also, this district has a number of post-1900 architectural styles within its boundaries, including examples of the prairie and bungalow styles."

Remember that Frank Lloyd Wright began designing his larger upper middle class Prairie houses with the Thomas house,(1901,210 Forest Ave., Oak Park, Illinois) and Willits House (1901, 1445 Sheridan Rd, Highland Park, IL).

When Frank Lloyd Wright left his practice in his studio in Oak Park, Illinois, and left his family in 1909, to go to Europe with Mrs Mamah Borthwick Cheney, this marked the beginning of the end of Wright's Prairie Style period.

William Storrer says that the "... Prairie School had died out by the early 1920s. In the Prairie era, Wright had created an American - some would say only a Midwestern - architecture. He had not, however, created a Democratic architecture (1)." Wright's democratic, more affordable and compact houses from 1936 to 1959 were called "Usonians."

The Prairie homes of about 1901 to 1913 are larger than the Usonians, since they were designed for the Upper Middle Class. And because there was a lingering caste system at that time in America, in part because these mansions contained quarters for live-in servants they were larger than they might have been. In addition, many of the prairie homes had an extra entry for servants and delivery men, while the family and guests entered at another door.


Wright's Wisconsin Populism and Progressivism led him to finally turn from his Prairie houses for the Upper Middle Class to finding ways to create affordable houses for the Middle and Lower Middle Classes which also reached toward the level of art.

John Dos Passos .said that Frank Lloyd Wright, the son of a preacher, preached in stone.

And Frank Lloyd Wright translated the American Spirit into art as architecture more than anyone had done before or after him. Some of what Wright defined as the American Spirit came out of his experience as a boy growing up on his mother's family land in his ancestral valley near the Wisconsin River, east of Spring Green, Wisconsin.

Wright's Unitarianism and , Taoism, are not necesssarily populist, but Wright got some of his populism from his friend Robert La Follette, and behind Wisconsin Progressivism was the Midwest, South, and Texas Populist movement. After he stopped designing Prairie houses, and got back from Europe, Wright turned his attention to designing homes for the lower middle class. His first designs were for Arthur l. Richards, using the American System Built home process. Four duplex apartment units and two bungalows were built in Milwaukee in 1915-1916. Lumber was cut at a factory and shipped to the sites to be assembled, which reduced the cost of the dwellings. Later, during the fifties,Madison builder Marshall Erdman
constructed two versions of Wright's Pre-Fab Plan Number One in Madison. The first built was the Eugene Van Tamelen house (1956) on the south edge of Madison's Crestwood, which was largely surrounded by woods in 1956. This is the only Wright house I was in during its construction. Five houses were built using the Pre-Fab Design Number one. A second pre-fab in Madison, on the South Belt Line, the Arnold Jackson house, is based on the Number One pre-Fab Plan but uses stone rather than the masonite of the Van Tamelen house(1956). Wright's goal was to create houses that the common people could afford, and yet would also rise to the level of art. He did not fail in this goal, either in his pre-fabs of the middle fifties, nor in his Usonian square and diamond module houses of the thirties, forties and fifties, which did not use the pre-fab method of construction to any great extent.

"104 Langdon St. Romanzo Bunn house 1878-79 The French Second Empire style house was built for Romanzo Bunn, a jurist and law professor. It is a cream brick structure with the style's trademark mansard roof. Several dormers project from the roof and have elliptically arched roofs, matching the segmental pediments of the central tower and corner bay roofs. The wide eaves of the roof have modillions and a decorated brick course running under the frieze imitating dentils. An identical belt course runs between the first and second stories of the house. Windows have carved stone lintels and the corner box bay projection has a stone cornice. A later classical veranda, part of which is enclosed, has recently been restored. Despite some lack of maintenance by previous owners, the Bunn house has retained much of its nineteenth century appearance. "

​​Figure 2, My High Back Ward Willitts House Chair That Was Sold in 1977 to the St Louis Art Museum.  Lynn Springer came to Madison to get this chair from me at the Bunn House of 104 Langdon Street. In this photo this chair is seen outside along the north wall of the Bunn House.

​Figure 3- Ward Willitts House High Back Chair With Arm Rests and A Willitts High Back Chair Without Arm Rests outside the south wall of the Bunn House and Near the Northwest Corner of the House - 1977.

​Figure  4 - My Ward Willitts House low back chair, which was in
storage in the basement of an apartment building on  Madison's Near East Side in the Summer of 1971.

According to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
5905 Wilshire Blvd • Los Angeles California 90036 • 323-857-6000  "Side Chair from the Ward M. Willits House, Highland Park, Illinois, 1902."  Most likely this is the chair that was taken from storage at 1037 Jenifer Street on Madison's near east side in 1971, but it was left in the building. When a woman who lived in the apartment where the chair was when she moved in, moved out, she took the chair.with her.  In 1985 I ran an ad, showing a photo of the chair, in the Madison newspapers and  she responded. The chair was placed in storage in Madison for me and Beth Cathers went to Madison to see it and bought it. in 1985,  and it is now in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.    This Willits Low-Back Chair above is Identical to the high backs but
not as tall. The New York Art Gallery Beth Cathers was associated with sold the chair to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

​Figure 5 -  - Clayton Bailey's photo of the Ward Wilitts House chair I traded to him in 1961 for one of the Willitts house  high back dining room chairs I had then.  Bailey sold this chair at a Christie's auction in 2001.

Figure 6- All three of My Ward Willitts House High Back Dining Room Chairs Outside at 525 W. Washington, Madison, in 1965, for a 16mm Dennis Murphy Gang Movie

I also acquired the original Ward Willitts house dining room table from Mrs. Posner in the summer of 1961.   I do not now know where the original Willitts House dining room table is.  I have part of its story here:

"On Savewright, an Internet site, I found this post from Feb 1, 2011 on the story of the Ward Willitts
dining room table on
Outside In. ,Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011,
Roderick, I'm afraid that the owner was not offered a chance to buy
the table for $15,000. Milt and I visited Graves at his home in
Wisconsin where the table was being stored in a chicken coop. Graves
DID NOT want cash, because of the tax implications, so he asked if he
could trade something for the table, i.e., a car. Milt purchased an
Audi for him, but Graves started getting nervous about the value of
the table and contacted Scott Elliot, who traveled to Wisconsin to
appraise the table with a suitcase full of cash. Elliot later sold the
table to Daniel Wolf in NY for an undisclosed amount, but some say it
was $35k. Milt kept the Audi and drove it for a few years. Luckily I
snapped quite a few photos of the table during our visit, and, with
the drawings on file at the Univ. of Michigan, was able to reproduce
the original table quite accurately."
Who is "outside in?" Is it John A. Eifler, the Chicago architect who
supervised the restoration of the Ward Willitts house.
And who is "Milt" mentioned here? I just dug out my correspondence on
the Willitts stuff and looked at the letters I have from John Eifler.

In an October 24, 1984 letter John Eifler says "Wilbert Hasbrouck has
appraised the value of the table at $35,000, much higher than any of
us expected. Milt is not interested in paying anything near that - so
we have not bought the table..." Milt is the new owner of the Ward Williss house.

Wilbert R. Hasbrouch was the Chicago expert on Frank Lloyd Wright and the Chicago Prairie School architecture who appraised my Frank Lloyd Wright chairs from the Willitts house. At the time when Hasbrouch made his appraisal, my former wife owned the Willitts House Dining Room Table.
John A. Eiffler and his client Milt, the new owner of the Ward Willitts house, were looking for the original Ward Willitts dining room table which I had owned. I was also looking for it at that time, after I learned that it was given to Madison landscape architect Homer Fieldhouse.

John Eifler and Milt, the new owner of the Willitts
house in 1984, were at the home of Robert Graves and saw the Willitts
table in the chicken coop of Graves. This is a part of the story I
had not known then.

I am not sure that Homer Fieldhouse knew the table was from from the
Willitts house when it was given to him. Graves might not have known
it either. I wonder how Eifler and Milt found the table?

I have an August 13, 1984 letter from David A. Hanks saying the
Willitts dining room table would bring $15,000 to $20,000 in New York.

I found a "Spring, 1985" letter from John Eifler saying that "The
table and chair were sold to Scott Eliott of Kelmscott Galleries in
Chicago by Graves. Scott Eliott  in turn sold it to Wolfe Galleries in NYC for
$45,000.  Eifler had mentioned also a "lost" chair, which might have been  the "lost" Willitts low back chair of mine I was looking
for in Wisconsin in 1984. I got it back in 1985.  I don't know what chair Scott Elliott sold along with the table.

Scott Eliott, the Wolfe Galleries or Robert Graves or his wife, Derry,  if still living, might know where the Willitts House Dining Room Table ended up.

Here is another part of the story:
I found the letter of Wilbert R. Hasbrouck of Chicago sent along with
his appraisal of the Ward Willitts chairs. The table was not included
since, in 1977, when the appraisal was made, my former wife owned the
table. In addition, the low back chair lost in 1971 was not included
in the appraisal. He said each of four high back chairs were worth
$4,500 in 1977. One of the high backs is wider and has arm rests. It
was sold to the Atlanta Art Museum. One high back was sold to the St
Louis Art Museum, one to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and
the last high back without arm rests was sold to an unidentified
I am sorry I allowed the chair to be sold to someone whose identity
has been kept secret. The Willitts lounge chair which Clayton Bailey
acquired when he was with me in Highland Park, Illinois in the summer
of 1961 at the art fair was sold by Christie's in late 2001 for
$110,000 to a collector whose name was kept secret. On page 75 Thomas
A. Heinz in his 1994 book Frank Lloyd Wright: Interiors and Furniture
shows a color photo of a Ward Willitts house living room chair
identical to the one that Clayton Bailey owned from 1961 until 2001.

And here is a note from Derry Graves, wife of Robert Graves, dated
August 11, 1984, saying "We have made a decision on the Wright table
and that is not to sell it."

I also have a letter which mentions the Ward Willitts dining room
table in the possession of my former wife. Its dated January 17, 1982
and says the table was in the house at Cabot Lane when the new owner bought the
house owned by my former wife and her husband. However, he says "..when I took possession of the house it was not there."  Cabot Lane is in Madison, Wisconsin.

It was sometime between early 1982 and the summer of 1984 that the
table was given to Homer Fieldhouse of Madison, Wisconsin.

I sold my Ward Willitts Wright chairs at an early time, from 1977 until the mid eighties, but mostly in the late seventies. The price on the few Wright high back chairs of his Chicago area Prairie Period that appeared on the market went up in the eighties. A high back Willitts chair identical to my three chairs was sold by Christie's to Tomas Monaghan, owner of Domino's Pizza on December 15, 1986 - for $198,000. The most I got for a Willitts chair was in 1985 for the low back - at $22,000.

The Willitts high back chair with arm rests, we called the "Papa Bear Chair,' was one of the Willitts pieces I sold to an art museum through David A. Hanks, who paid the exact appraisal value put on the Willits chairs in 1977 by Wilbert R. Hasbrouch. The chair may have had  a greater market value than that in 1977.  Remember than Hasbrouck appraised the Willits dining room table at a higher value in the eighties than did Hanks.

​Figure 8 -  - The 1878 Bunns House Exterior At 104 Langdon Street

In about 1901 to 1909 Wright could have designed one or more large Prairie style houses for the Langdon Street Historic District. Above, the National Registry of Historical Places says "this district has a number of post-1900 architectural styles with in its boundaries, including examples of the prairie and bungalow styles." This District is the Langdon Street Historic District. There was a dislike for Frank Lloyd Wright among someolder Madison residents back in the fifties, but I don't know if this dislike goes back in history to the early 20thcentury.