Overthrowing The Father and Its Effects Upon the Boys
Bernard Pyron
Theodore W. Adorno in his 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality, said that Christianity and the family cause fascism and must be done away with. All the transformation movements influenced by that book have worked to weaken Christian faith, overthrow the Father as the head of the family and weaken the family as an influence on society. Being a Marcist - and he first mixed Marx with Freud - Adorno had a dialectic mind and what he was doing was opposing fascism in order to promote its dialectic opposite, which is Marxist collectivism and conformity to group think, the hive mentality, which requires a dumbing down of the herd, the majority.
The hippies and people in the drug movement after about 1962 were not just agnostics and atheists, they were anti-Christian. The hippies were interested in drugs and sex, and opposed Christianity because it called their serial sexual relationships fornication. The entire counterculture revolted against the family. The young people in the counterculture and in the bigger Me Generation sought to become independent of their parents and there was a lot of conflict between these young people and their mothers and fathers.
But it was the feminist, homosexual and lesbian movements which in the seventies were allied with the counterculture to some extent which really worked to diminish the family, overthrow the Father as the authority figure and weaken Christian faith and the influence of Christianity in America.
Photo: Overthrowing The Father and Its Effects Upon the Boys Remember that Theodore W. Adorno in his 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality said that Christianity and the family cause fascism and must be done away with. All the transformation movements influenced by that book have worked to weaken Christian faith, overthrow the Father as the head of the family and weaken the family as an influence on society. Being a Marcist - and he first mixed Marx with Freud - Adorno had a dialectic mind and what he was doing was opposing fascism in order to promote its dialectic opposite, which is Marxist collectivism and conformity to group think, the hive mentality, which requires a dumbing down of the herd, the majority. The hippies and people in the drug movement after about 1962 were not just agnostics and atheists, they were anti-Christian. The hippies were interested in drugs and sex, and opposed Christianity because it called their serial sexual relationships fornication. The entire counterculture revolted against the family. The young people in the counterculture and in the bigger Me Generation sought to become independent of their parents and there was a lot of conflict between these young people and their mothers and fathers. But it was the feminist, homosexual and lesbian movements which in the seventies were allied with the counterculture to some extent which really worked to diminish the family, overthrow the Father as the authority figure and weaken Christian faith and the influence of Christianity in America.
II Timothy 3: 2 says "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy..." Young middle class people during the decades of the sixties, seventies, eighties and beyond were not only lovers their their own selves, but also disobedient to their parents.
Even Christian dispensationalist Thomas Ice in "An Evaluation of Theonomic Neopostmillennialism," Bibliotheca Sacra, 1988, writes about "The Great Rebellion, which has resulted in a whole new culture replacing the more traditional Christian-influenced American culture. Is the light flickering and about to go out?" He also writes about "... 50 traits to describe the New Culture , all under the umbrella of the unifying emphasis on the narcissistic self."
The narcissistic self was a main trait of the Me Generation, which was part of the Baby Boomer generation born from about 1946 to 1964. This was the generation that the transformational movements targeted. They changed that generation, so that its members became more self-centered, disobedient to parents, and in rebellion against the family and the Christian Gospel, and in general more inclined to follow the hard core left.
So, since the transformational movements, especially feminism, homosexuality and lesbianism, sought to overthrow Christian influence and even weaken the spiritual power of the Gospel itself, and to overthrow the Father's authority and influence on society, we might expect some results of all this.
See http://www.americanthinker.
"Four years ago, psychologist Leonard Sax (M.D., Ph.D.) wrote a
well-received book titled Boys Adrift. The doctor tried to answer the
question, why have so many young males fallen into passivity and
Something scary is happening to boys today,"
Sax concluded. "From kindergarten to college, American boys are, on
average, less resilient and less ambitious than they were a mere
twenty years ago. The gender gap in college attendance and graduation
rates has widened dramatically."
The book's full title is Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the
Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men.
Sax lists the five factors right on the cover: "video games, teaching
methods, prescription drugs, environmental toxins, devaluation of
It's worrisome that he seems to like them all. That might be a clue
that he has not solved this mystery. Indeed, let's consider the
possibility that none of these theories is the deep answer we want.
Let's start from scratch and consider the things we know for sure.
First of all, critics have often noted that schools seem organized
more for girls than for boys........
...Consider that all school
activity revolves around two basic skills: reading and arithmetic.
Students spend a lot of each day on these and must learn them in order
to advance to any other subjects. Failure in these two subjects
virtually guarantees failure in all subjects, and in all of life.
Perversely, our public schools, for more than 50 years, have used
dysfunctional methods that virtually guarantee failure for the
ordinary boy."
Remember that Transformational Marxist educational psychologist
Benjamin Bloom was the guy who wrote the books that have been used to
certify all American school teachers since about 1956. Some blame the
problem of dumbing down the American generations born after 1945 on
"Government Schools." It is true that Transformational Marxism got
its foot in the door and then marched fully in with a lot of help from
the federal government. But it was that form of Marxism which didn't
call itself Marxism that has helped to mess up the American boys.
The article above also says "Dr. Sax speaks of masculinity being
undervalued. Maybe it's more directly a case of masculinity hemmed in
and, as the school years pass, neutralized.
"Finally. one can never escape the impression that there is
premeditation in all of this." My comment: Right, read Benjamin
There are other reasons for the boy problem. Russell Blaylock, MD, a
former brain surgeon, has articles and youtube videos on how
vaccinations cause brain damage. Here is a 2004 article of Blaylock's
with a huge number of peer review articles on brain damage from over
vaccination. http://www.whale.to/a/
Blaylock says people born before 1945 are less depressed.
It is known that autism, a form of mental retardation, which has
been increasing greatly in the last few decades, affects boys more than girls.
It may be that over-vaccination, which causes brain damage, especially in some
people, may have a greater effect on the male population than on girls.
Christina Hoff Sommers (born 1950) is an American author and former
philosophy professor who wrote the book, The War Against Boys:
How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men (revised 2001).
"She describes "gender feminism" as having "transcended the
liberalism" of early feminists. Instead of focusing on rights for all,
gender feminists view society through the "sex/gender prism" and focus
on recruiting women to join the "struggle against patriarchy."[16] A
reviewer of Who Stole Feminism characterized gender feminism as the
action of accenting the differences of genders in order to create what
Sommers believes is privilege for women in academia, government,
industry, or the advancement of personal agendas"
"Sommers wrote in The Atlantic, about her own book The War Against
Boys, that misguided school curriculum, based on flawed research, is a likely cause for many problems in education including the falling
reading scores of lower-school boys. Sommers writes that there is an
achievement gap between boys and girls in school, and that girls in
some areas are achieving more than boys. She writes, "Growing evidence
that the scales are tipped not against girls but against boys is
beginning to inspire a quiet revisionism. Some educators will admit
that boys are on the wrong side of the gender gap."[19] Writing for
The New York Times, Richard Bernstein wrote of The War Against Boys,
"Observations like that lift Ms. Sommers's book from polemic to
entreaty. There is a cry in the wilderness quality to her book, a
sense that certain simple truths have been lost sight of in the smoky quarrelsomeness of American life. "
My Comment: The "smoky quarrelsomeness of American life" describes
the current obsession of American culture with the use of the dialectic and suggests America is run by the dialectic mind.
"Sommers is a longtime critic of Women's Studies departments, and of
university curricula in general. In an interview with Scott London,
Sommers said, "The perspective now, from my point of view, is that the
better things get for women, the angrier the women's studies
professors seem to be, the more depressed Gloria Steinem seems to get.
So there is something askew here, something amiss."[25] According to
The Nation, "Hoff Sommers carefully explains to the students that much
of the fault for this unfortunate phenomenon [of "pathologizing maleness"] lies with women's studies departments. There,'statistically challenged' feminists engage in bad scholarship to
advance their liberal agenda."
There are other ways in which the "boys," young men and young women too, have become dysfunctional in contemporary American society.
The overthrowing of the Father as representative of God the Father, so that the boys become dysfunctional has already happened. Homosexuality and lesbianism are politically correct. The divorce rate remains high, and the heterosexual relationship has been diminished and does not work for many. Single people join internet dating services because society is so messed up men and women seeking people of the opposite sex do not meet.
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