Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Political Correctness and the Book, The Authoritarian Personality

Political Correctness and the Book The Authoritarian Personality
Bernard Pyron

The Authoritarian Personalty by Theodor Adorno was published in 1950,.  The book had a substantial influence upon a generation of American personality-social psychologists. In this  book Adorno et al  followed an ideology developed by the Frankfurt School in Germany before many of the Frankfurters migrated to the United States in the thirties. Frankfurt School  ideology taught that  Christianity and the patriarchal  family created a type of character that was prone to racial prejudice and fascism.
The German Frankfurters who came to the U.S. saw that the United States was, in the thirties, dominated by Christianity and the patriarchal family.  The Frankfurters then set out to gradually turn America off on Christianity and the patriarchal family, and our American culture which the Frankfurters saw as being prejudiced  toward certain minorities, especially Blacks and Jews.
Political Correctness  began in the major American universities within what we then called the Women's Liberation and Black Power movements in the period of the late sixties to the early seventies.
And that early Political Correctness was influenced by Adorno's 1950 book,  The Authoritarian Personality and the Frankfurt School's ideology that Christianity and the American patriarchal family cause fascism and both must be weakened and finally done away with.
"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family , the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx , Feuerbach Thesis #4

Betty Friedan and other second wave feminists, plus other social engineers in personality-social psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychiatry, under the influence of the Frankfurters were important in the creation of Political Correctness.
Starting from the Frankfurt School's ideology saying that Christianity and the patriarchal family were the cause of the
Authoritarian Personalty - stated in a pseudo scientific way in Adorno's The Authoritarian Personalty - a simple method of opposing, diminishing and perhaps finally destroying the culture of the West was created by the end of the seventies.

David Weinberger wrote about Donald Trunp and political correctness in How Donald Trump Hijacked the Authenticity of the Web. "His credibility is zero, but by attacking political correctness he projects a true voice to his internet followers."  


Weinberger wrote that ""Rather than dignity, respect and sympathy being the sign of authenticity, in the world of Trump xenophobia, sexism, Islamophobia, racism, and anti-intellectualism are the hard truths that only Trump supporters are courageous enough to acknowledge."

In his book, The Authorithoritarian Personality, the Marxist Theodore W. Adorno said that Christianity and the family created an authoritarian personality, characterized by racism and fascism.  Since Trump has beeen critical not only of political correctness but also is critical of allowing huge numbers of refugees from The Middle East and Latin America into the United States - including many Islamics and among them an unknown number of
Jihadists - from the point of view of the Marxist dominated Left, Trump has to be a racist.  Weinberger, being more articulate than the current sceaming Letists called "Social Justice Warriers," adds that Ol Trump is also xenophobic, Islamophobic and anti-intellectual. 

I do not know whether Weinberger, who has a Ph.D., is a Marxist or not, but in saying that Trump is a racist he is fiollowing the talking points of the screaming "social justice warriers," and seems to be defending their political correctness.  The opposite to political correctness in present day America is  support for Christianity and the family. I would rather live in an America that keeps  its First Amendment intact and not weakened by political correctness, and I also have a Ph.D (from the University  of Wisconsin), but it was given to me way back in 1963, and maybe it no longer applies in the world of university political correctness.

Trump went to an Ivy League Busindess School, Wharton School of Business, though he probably does not have a Ph.D.  But he is now "anti-intellectual" maybe because he does not like political correctness or the Islamic "Refugees" pouring into the country.

Political Correctness uses a form of the Marxist version of the Hegelian dialectic.  In this dialectic life, culture, language, borders, and people are overly-simplified.  In the simplified dialectic there is a direct opposition made outstanding in public perception to white Christian heterosexual males and the value placed on them by an older culture.
The white, Christian, heterosexual males and the older culture that valued them are the thesis and the opposition to this thesis is the assertion that they are racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, and  homophobic (and anti-lesbian). In the Hegelian dialectic the opposition to the thesis is called the antithesis.  The Greek word αντιθεσεις , or antithesis,  is found in I Timothy 6: 20.   Other Greek words mean opposition, but  αντιθεσεις is a term used by the Greek philosophy of the dialectic before the time of Christ.
The Political Correctness method of culture change can be applied beyond just making white, middle class, heterosexual males feel guilty for not being Black, female, or  homosexual.  Political Correctness can be used to make a large percentage of Americans accept the current invasion of the Western nations by the refugees with jihadists among them.  It can be made to appear politically incorrect to reject the refugees because they are of another race and religion.  This is "racist."

Any thing, or person can be made politically incorrect and therefore "racist" that is not liked by the Left.  If someone running for office promotes policies that are nationalist and intended to help Americans, they can be called "racist" and therefore politically incorrect.  Since Hitler was a nationalist rather than a Marxist internationalist, so anyone who is a nationalist is a Fascist.  But all the presidents before
George H. W. Bush were nationalists, though you could place the last nationalist President being in office prior to Lyndon B. Johnson .

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