Sunday, June 6, 2021

 When The Father Is Overcome the Boys Become Dysfunctional  Bernard Pyron

in his 1950 book, The Authoritarian Personality, Adorno said that
Christianity and the patriarchal family must be done away with,
because both cause the authoritarian personality and fascism. Being a
Marxist, but not a Bolshevik, Adorno, and his buddies in the Frankfurt
School, had a dialectic mind, and used the dialectic to oppose
fascism, while deceptively promoting their form of collectivism and
totalitarian Marxism. But they didn't call it Marxism, especially not
in the United States. They called it "Democracy," and were perhaps
the forerunners of the present day "Democratic" Party.

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4

“The authoritarian family becomes the factory in which the state’s
structure and ideology are molded.” Wilhelm Reich THE MASS PSYCHOLOGY

“The conception of the ideal family situation for the child:
uncritical obedience to the father and elders, pressures directed
unilaterally from above to below, inhibition of spontaneity and
emphasis on conformity to externally imposed values.” Theodore. W.
Adorno, The Authoritarian Personality

“Psychoanalysis must treat religion as a neurosis.” Norman O. Brown

“God is conceived more directly after a parental image and thus as a
source of support and as a guiding and sometimes punishing
authority.” Theodor W. Adorno The Authoritarian Personality (1950)

The counterculture of the sixties and seventies introduced a kind of
group think to a generation of Americans and a few born before 1945,
and an ideal of group conformity which was not fully known by those
who took part in this new group think at the time. They were more
interested in becoming "liberated" from the patriarchal family and
patriarchal authority of God in Christianity. But remember the Woodstock Festival in 1969 as the experience of group think, and the many Hippie assemblies to hear rock bands with all the pot smoking.

“The real nature of man is the totality of social relations.” Karl
Marx Thesis on Feuerbach # 6

“It is not individualism that fulfills the individual, on the
contrary it destroys him. Society is the necessary framework through
which freedom and individuality are made realities… only in a
socialist society.” Karl Marx

“The individual is emancipated in the social group.” “Freud
commented that only through the solidarity of all the participants
could the sense of guilt be assuaged.” Norman O. Brown LIFE AGAINST

“Only within a social context individual man is able to realize
his own potential as a rational being.” Joseph O’Malley Karl Marx
Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right'

"One of the most fascinating aspects of group therapy is that
everyone is born again, born together in the group." “Few individuals,
as Asch has shown, can maintain their objectivity [belief in parent or
God] in the face of apparent group unanimity; ...” Irvin D. Yalom
Theory and Practice and Group Psychotherapy

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change

Kurt Lewin was the Marxist social psychologist who began the Group
Dynamics movement, which, among other things, taught the importance of
group cohesiveness in changing human values, beliefs, attitudes and

"Small groups are the most effective way of closing the back door of
your church." Rick Warren

Rick Warren is not a member of the Frankfurt School or an American
psychologist Transformational Marxist, but is now a leader of the huge
number of false teachers which have led many Christians away from
having the mind of Christ and uniting with him.

Much of American Psychology, especially that which comes out of Freud
or out of behaviorism over-emphasizes and makes all important man's
flesh, and
follows or supports the Transformational Marxist bent which wants to
overthrow God as the Father figure and wants to diminish the family
because the traditional family has been the foundation of
Christianity, and its patriarchal paradigm, "it is written," "two
plus two is always four and cannot be another number," etc.

Psychology exalts the flesh of man, especially man's pride, calling it
self-esteem and self-actualization (Rogers and Maslow), above man
created as a living soul.
Psychoanalysis from Freud stressed the flesh and advocated a revolt
against the Father authority figure. Behaviorism in psychology, from
Wundt, to Watson and to B.F. Skinner with his Skinner box psychology
all pointed toward a reduced man who is nothing but desires, feelings
and conditioning. Wilhelm Wundt did not deal with classical
and operant conditioning as did John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner.
Wundt did early work on sensory psychology, which was another form of
psychological reductionism.

Dean Gotcher has studied several other psychologists and psychiatrists
who have helped to develop the dialectic which first came from Hegel.
Gotcher has lectures on self psychologists A.H. Maslow and Carl
Rogers, and on psychiatrist and group therapist Irvin Yalom,
Erick Fromm, Norman O. Brown and Herbert Marcuse, who is more like a
sociologist than a psychologist.

Benjamin Bloom was an educational psychologist who wrote volumes on
the taxonomies of educational goals. His system has been used in the
certification of all public school and other school teachers for
decades. Bloom was a Transformational Marxist who had great influence
on the American education system - and all this could only happen
because American society is organized in a top-down way, so that the
elites at the top have control over the entire society.

Benjamin Bloom, who wrote the two volume book on the Taxonomy
of Educational Goal Objectives, by which all teachers must be
certified, said "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and
fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et
al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain)

Dean Gotcher found a footnote in Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational
Objectives Book 2, Affective Domain, on the "Weltanschaaung" or world
view Bloom was following. On
page 166 of this volume Bloom acknowledges the influence of Theodore W. Adorno
and Eric Fromm on the psychological theory, philosophy or ideology
contained in his two volumes, Educational Goal taxonomies. Book II
Affective Domain p. 166. Bloom used the German word Weltanschaaung on this
page of his book to refer to the philosophy underlying Bloom's
educational goals.

“1. Cf. Erich Fromm, 1941; T. W. Adorno et al., 1950” Benjamin Bloom,
Book II Affective Domain p. 166. This is Bloom's footnote
acknowledging the influence on his thinking from Erich Fromm and
Theodore W. Adorno. Adorno was an original Frankfurter Marxist who
posed as a personality and social psychologist in writing his 1950
book, The Authoritarian Personality, in which he claimed that the
authoritarian personality and fascism are caused by the family and
Christianity. Erich Fromm was a Transformational Marxist psychologist
and close associate of the Frankfurters.

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

For Transformational Marxism and the dialectic mind there are no absolute
truths and no absolute morals. Everything is relative and subject to
dialogue within
the dialectic process, with more emphasis on relationships and
feelings than on truth
or morals.

The present II Timothy type Christian community (II Timothy 3) does not follow Marx in his
rejection of God, but it does make use of the dialectic procedure from
Hegel and Marx
and refined by several American psychologists.

Dean Gotcher says the Mega Church movement cannot
exist without the dialectic church. That is, Psychologized
Transformational Marxism invaded the American church a number of decades

The Transformational Marxists, who were lodged in our major
universities after the Frankfurt School got run out of Nazi Germany,
set out on their "long march through the institutions" soon after the
publication of The Authoritarian Personality (1950) by
Marxist-Freudian Theodore W. Adorno, a Frankfurter. We then got the
counterculture, with the drug and hippie movements at its core and
many allied movements that changed an entire generation, the Baby
Boomers. Some of these allied movements were the homosexual,
feminist, lesbian, and self psychology movements. The drug movement
and the Hippies rejected patriarchal Christianity, especially Christian
morality. But the feminist, lesbian and homosexual movements were more
focused on diminishing the patriarchal American family. These
movements, along with
the self psychology of A.H. Maslow and Carl Rogers, which was brought
into the counterculture, helped greatly to "kill" the American
father figure, and
the leadership of the male in the heterosexual relationship.

Back about twenty-five years ago the Christian book publishers were
not interested in manuscripts on a Biblical view of the counterculture and
its rejection of Christianity. There was no Internet back then, and self-publishing
was only in its very beginning. At that time, the counterculture had been
going on since the early to mid sixties, about 20 years. The Christian book
editors and almost all Christian leaders did not realize then that the
counterculture marked a fundamental shift in thinking, from absolute truth and
absolute morality to a reliance upon relationships, feelings, opinion and group consensus rather than
"It is written." The making of what had historically been a small art, literature and music bohemian subculture into a mass movement which changed millions of younger people was somewhat unique. This bohemian subculture, made into a mass movement, exalted sensuality, or man's flesh.

In addition, remember that starting in the seventies there was something called
the "Me Generation," that is, an entire generation under the influence of self psychology, having
something of the traits and new thinking paradigm of those fewer young people in the counterculture
itself. And all this was to a great extent driven from an elite, or elites, in American society, from intellectuals, especially psychologists, from the major universities, and from avant-garte art, literature and bohemian centers like the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco and the Lower East Side bohemian area of New York City. In the Midwest, major watering holes of the counterculture were at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Now there are consequences of all this rebellion against the
patriarchal structure of
Christianity and the family.


"Four years ago, psychologist Leonard Sax (M.D., Ph.D.) wrote a
well-received book titled Boys Adrift. The doctor tried to answer the
question, why have so many young males fallen into passivity and
indifference?.........."Something scary is happening to boys today,"
Sax concluded. "From kindergarten to college, American boys are, on
average, less resilient and less ambitious than they were a mere
twenty years ago. The gender gap in college attendance and graduation
rates has widened dramatically."

The book's full title is Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the
Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men.
Sax lists the five factors right on the cover: "video games, teaching
methods, prescription drugs, environmental toxins, devaluation of

It's worrisome that he seems to like them all. That might be a clue
that he has not solved this mystery. Indeed, let's consider the
possibility that none of these theories is the deep answer we want.
Let's start from scratch and consider the things we know for sure.

First of all, critics have often noted that schools seem organized
more for girls than for boys...........Consider that all school
activity revolves around two basic skills: reading and arithmetic.
Students spend a lot of each day on these and must learn them in order
to advance to any other subjects. Failure in these two subjects
virtually guarantees failure in all subjects, and in all of life.

Perversely, our public schools, for more than 50 years, have used
dysfunctional methods that virtually guarantee failure for the
ordinary boy."

Remember that Transformational Marxist educational psychologist
Benjamin Bloom was the guy who wrote the books that have been used to
certify all American school teachers since about 1956. Some blame the
problem of dumbing down the American generations born after 1945 on
"Government Schools." It is true that Transformational Marxism got
its foot in the door and then marched fully in with a lot of help from
the federal government. But it was that form of Marxism which didn't
call itself Marxism that has helped to mess up the American boys.

The article above also says "Dr. Sax speaks of masculinity being
undervalued. Maybe it's more directly a case of masculinity hemmed in
and, as the school years pass, neutralized.

Finally. one can never escape the impression that there is
premeditation in all of this." My comment: Right, read Benjamin

There are other reasons for the boy problem. Russell Blaylock, MD, a
former brain surgeon, has articles and youtube videos on how
vaccinations cause brain damage. Here is a 2004 article of Blaylock's
with a huge number of peer review articles on brain damage from over

Blaylock says people born before 1945 are less depressed.

It is known that autism, a form of mental retardation, which has
been increasing greatly in the last few decades, affects boys more than girls.
It may be that over-vaccination, which causes brain damage, especially in some
people, may have a greater effect on the male population than on girls.

And -there has been changes in the American diet, and addition of more toxins,
which result in lower levels of testosterone in the younger
generations, in both males and females. But this lowering of testosterone
in boys, especially teen age boys, is likely one factor in the boy problem
that Dr.Sax wrote about. Testosterone not only has some benefits for the heart,
but it also benefits the brain and brain functions like memory.
Studies show that attention, memory, and spatial ability are cognitive
functions affected by testosterone levels in humans. And -
levels in boys may be important for early learning.

On the site

It is said that:

"Men with
Alzheimer disease have lower testosterone levels prior
to their diagnosis in comparison to controls (Hogervorst
et al. 2003)."

"Low estradiol concentration and high testosterone levels despite older age predict a better cognitive performance in men ((Martin et al. 2009)."

"Researchers in the Rancho Bernardo study measured both testosterone and estradiol levels in over 500 men between the ages of 55-89 who were not receiving hormone replacement. Dr. Elizabeth Barrett-Connor and her colleagues at the University of California then compared estrogen and testosterone levels with the men’s cognitive performance on various standardized tests.

First, they found that men with lower estrogen levels performed better on two commonly used cognitive function tests. It is interesting that while the sex hormone estrogen is associated with positive cognitive effects in women, it appears to have a reverse effect on men."

"Second, they found that men with moderately high levels of bioavailable testosterone scored significantly better in long-term memory and mental control. This relationship was independent of age, education level, alcohol use, and other possible factors influencing cognitive function."

"It’s widely accepted among scientists that regular exercise transforms the brain, improving the ability to remember and think." A study on rats found that testosterone levels in the brain increased after exercise. There is likely another factor, in addition to changes in the standard American diet, and addition of more toxins, which can reduce testosterone levels in young men. Lack of regular exercise can probably also lower testosterone levels in young guys.

Testosterone is produced from cholesterol - and less harmful fats should be consumed, especially from from sources like fish, flax seed, avocados, nuts, coconut oil, olive oil, and organic meats (no GMO fed beef). A diet high in refined sugar, high in carbohydrates, and low in magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, and perhaps vitamin C can result in lower testosterone levels even in young men. LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, is “bad” cholesterol because it can build up in the walls of your arteries and create plaque. Plaque build-up in the arteries can reduce blood flow and increase risk of heart disease. On the other hand, HDL, or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is "good" cholesterol because it does not cause build up up plaque in the arteries. And HDL cholesterol can removes LDL or "bad" cholesterol. Omega 3- fatty acids increase levels of HDL, for example, from fish, flaxseed, nuts or avocados, etc.

See Travison, TG, AB Araujo, AB O’Donnell, V Kupelian, JB McKinlay.
2007. A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in
American men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

"In one of the largest studies of its kind, Travison et al. report a
population-wide decline in Massachusetts's men’s testosterone levels
during the last 20 years...............Recent studies have that found
environmental impacts on testosterone levels. For example,
testosterone levels were lower in US Air Force veterans exposed to
dioxins while spraying Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, as well as
in men exposed to phthalates at work..........................Lower
concentrations of testosterone can increase a man’s risk for
age-related diseases, depression and infertility. " There are a huge
number of toxins in the food, water and air, some of which may reduce
testosterone levels.

Christina Hoff Sommers (born 1950) is an American author and former
philosophy professor who wrote the book, The War Against Boys:
How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men (revised 2001).

"She describes "gender feminism" as having "transcended the
liberalism" of early feminists. Instead of focusing on rights for all,
gender feminists view society through the "sex/gender prism" and focus
on recruiting women to join the "struggle against patriarchy."[16] A
reviewer of Who Stole Feminism characterized gender feminism as the
action of accenting the differences of genders in order to create what
Sommers believes is privilege for women in academia, government,
industry, or the advancement of personal agendas"

"Sommers wrote in The Atlantic, about her own book The War Against
Boys, that misguided school curriculum, based on flawed research, is a
likely cause for many problems in education including the falling
reading scores of lower-school boys. Sommers writes that there is an
achievement gap between boys and girls in school, and that girls in
some areas are achieving more than boys. She writes, "Growing evidence
that the scales are tipped not against girls but against boys is
beginning to inspire a quiet revisionism. Some educators will admit
that boys are on the wrong side of the gender gap."[19] Writing for
The New York Times, Richard Bernstein wrote of The War Against Boys,
"Observations like that lift Ms. Sommers's book from polemic to
entreaty. There is a cry in the wilderness quality to her book, a
sense that certain simple truths have been lost sight of in the smoky
quarrelsomeness of American life. "

My Comment: The "smoky quarrelsomeness of American life" describes
the current obsession of American culture with the use of the dialectic and suggests America is run by the dialectic mind.

"Sommers is a longtime critic of Women's Studies departments, and of
university curricula in general. In an interview with Scott London,
Sommers said, "The perspective now, from my point of view, is that the
better things get for women, the angrier the women's studies
professors seem to be, the more depressed Gloria Steinem seems to get.
So there is something askew here, something amiss."[25] According to
The Nation, "Hoff Sommers carefully explains to the students that much
of the fault for this unfortunate phenomenon [of "pathologizing
maleness"] lies with women's studies departments. There,
'statistically challenged' feminists engage in bad scholarship to
advance their liberal agenda."


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